The French Riots Creative Thinking Technique
The French Riots Creative Thinking Technique
By Wily Walnut
Can anything be used as a creative thinking technique? Let's take the current story of the French Riots sweeping through France and see if we can squeeze a creative thinking technique out of that...
First you need a problem, a source of dissatisfaction, something that drives you buggy and makes you seethe with a sense of injustice.
Got it?
Okay, now you need to get off your butt and go and DESTROY something!
...In France, they burn cars.
Hmm, YOU don't need to go that far. But, hey, you do need to get your energy up and on fire. Destroying something seems to call up your primal energy - that violence of the caveman. You'll use that to create change.
In France, they are calling attention to their grievances by rioting and burning stuff. Whether they achieve any long term improvements as a result is yet to be seen. But sometimes releasing all that pent-up frustration can unleash your creativity and make you feel better anyway. Certainly it's a way of focussing more awareness on a problem - and that too is more likely to result in more solutions being generated.
Your task is to destroy your complacency, the old vehicles of thought that have got you to where you are, but aren't gonna take you where you need to go for fresh ideas, innovation and inspiration. So burn those old bangers!
In breaking something up, you often spot new ways to put them back together again.
The sustained night-after-night rioting is forcing France to pay attention to the grievances of it's poorer ethnic communities. Creative thinking also requires a sustained energy, a defiant attitude that will not let the brain go back to sleep. You need to keep fanning the fires - keep asking questions, keep looking for solutions. In this you will be battling the status quo and it WILL resist you.
France is currently being polarised between those who see a need for compassionate solutions and those who want to use massive force to quash the rioters and 'restore balance'. Sometimes the term 'restore balance' is a euphemism for keeping things exactly the same. The Status Quo prefers the safe and familliar - with all its difficulties - because it is the known. The unknown is frightening -- after all, it COULD be anything!
The status quo will rear up in you as well. It's far easier to give up and go back to sleep than sustain your creative thinking and come up with real solutions. As humans we are biologically programmed to seek the safe and secure. That instinct can thwart our powers to create and innovate. Being a creative thinker takes guts. You need to start a riot in your thinking - even when you are comfortable and living in the nicer suburbs of thought - so that you can discover the new, the improved, the better.
We have the power to think creatively. We need to riot against the unfair, the problematic, the difficulties. Creative thinking begins with destruction.
In France, they may stamp out the rioters, but they will still need to start a national creative thinking process to solve the problems being revealed on out TVs.
And you, you need to look at your problems and start rioting against your old ways of thinking. Start burning those old habits of thought. Adopt a defiant attitude to the things that try to hold you down, and hold you back. Focus all your attention on the problems and let the creative thinking begin.
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